Explore LEAP Schools

c/o St Francis Children’s Home
122 Thornton Rd (cnr Thornton & Tennant St) Crawford - Cape Town, 7760

Contact Info
Email: info@leapschool.org.za
Tel: +27 (0) 21 531-9715

Category LEAP 1

Position: Educator: Physical Science (Gr 10– 12), Natural Science (Gr 8 – 9) and Maths (8-12)

Position: GEORAPHY & HISTORY EDUCATOR (Gr 8–12) Start date: 03/02/2025 Location: LEAP 2, CROSSROADS                                                                                                                  Reference: LP2/GEO/HIST/25 SACE registration or provisional registration. Valid Police Clearance documentation. Dynamic and inspiring Educator with excellent subject knowledge. University Graduate with a postgraduate teaching qualification.…